The Ergodox Ez Keyboard

I think it was somewhere last year that I felt some pain in some of the fingers of my right hand for the first time. Mostly my thumb and pink felt uncomfortable. Around the same period I also felt some pain in my right shoulder. It wasn’t exactly at the same time but I found it a little disturbing knowing that as a developper these are things to watch out for. »



Thomas Coopman



Thomas Coopman

Elixir and Nerves beginner workshop

Update: changed the date to Thursday June 21st Have you ever looked at Elixir and thought, this looks like a nice language with great features. This is a language that I want to know! Have you ever thought about toying with a raspberry pi or an arduino, playing with some leds, buttons, but never got around to it thinking it would take too much time to start with it. Maybe you’re just interested in functional programming or you want to learn a new programming language? »



Thomas Coopman



Thomas Coopman